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CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE Announcement of Challenges

We incarcerated in the belly of the beast, known as Corcoran State Prison, are experiencing the lack of quality, programming, and the...

ON RACISM, RESISTANCE... and State Violence

GREETINGS! The events that took place around the George Floyd murder present us with yet another opportunity to address the inhumanity of...

BLACK AUGUST The Reason We Recognize It

August 20, 1619: Firstborn Afrikan captives were brought to England’s North American Colony of Jamestown, Virginia August 16, 1768:...


GREETINGS TO ALL! This letter is to inform people about the damages that prisons cause to the mind, spirit, and soul of the human being...


What’s Needed As We Move Forward


Last year, we witnessed more police killings of innocent Black people, new Afrikan, and a pandemic that killed a lot of people worldwide, but also damaged the inner city further.  One thing that’s needed no matter what difficulties we face, is unity and solidarity through the black, brown, with all other ethnicities as we struggle forward.


Being in prison and dealing with injustices and the Covid virus, we learned how to do just that.  What we realized is that it takes a collective effort to get positive things done.  For instance, we had to file a grievance against the prison in order to get our canteen delivered to our cells and our quarterly packages, get video visits so we can see our loved ones, use the telephone, and take showers.  It wasn’t an easy victory by no means, as I am sure there won’t be any for you all.  I believe that whatever difficulties you’re facing, together you will be able to get it done.


What I’d like to see is gender equality, the end to those DACA camps, and no more senseless killings of Black, Brown, and Asian Amerikkkans.  My prayers go out to all those who’ve lost loved ones from all the mass shootings. 


Take care and God bless.


                                                                   In Struggle,

                                                                   MWalimu Shakur


Corcoran State Prison

P O Box 3461

Corcoran, CA 93212



or (ID#AG8738)


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